1 empty, clean metal can
white, peach and pink acrylic paint
medium pink pom pom
2 small wiggle eyes
Cotton balls
6-8 medium white or silver sparkle pom poms
1 sheet red glitter felt
2” wide x 8” long strip of white glitter felt
White craft glue
Hot glue gun
Paint entire aluminum can with white paint.
Paint a section in the front of the can peach (or whatever skin tone color you like) for the face. I used Folk Art 949 Skintone.
Take one cotton ball and stretch it out so that fits all the way around the rim of the can. Glue in place about ½” below the rim. This is Santa’s hair. (I actually used two)
Position the red glitter felt around the top of the can, above the hair (stretched cotton ball). Glue in place and let dry. You will finish Santa’s red hat in a later step.
Meanwhile, glue the white felt in place over the top of the red felt and the cotton to form the brim of Santa’s hat.
Using white craft glue, add Santa’s beard by gluing cotton balls all around the can, leaving enough room open for his face. (I did put a staple in the end of the hat just to keep it together)
To complete Santa’s red hat, tuck the red felt into a cone shape, using hot glue to tack in place if you like. Fold felt over the side of the can and hot glue to the side.
Glue wiggle eyes in place.
Glue the pink pom pom on for the nose.
Use an extra cotton ball to dab on the cheeks, using a small amount of pink paint. (I skipped that step)
Instead of hot glue, I used fabric tac. It worked pretty good.
So what do you think? Oh the reason for the green felt, was because the store didn't have a lot of red left so I bought the rest and some green.
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