cinnamon Ornaments (NOT EDIBLE!!!)
We made a similar recipe last year when Victoria was in 1st grade. Our nephew Mikey is down for the weekend and helped decorate the tree. When I pulled Victoria's ornament out from last year it still smelled so great. Everyone asked if we could make some this year. Sure...I had to run to the store to pick up some stuff so I picked up a few big bottles of cinnamon.
Making Cinnamon Ornaments are a perfect holiday fun activity for kids. The ornaments are easy to make and their aroma lasts long after the holidays are over.
Makes 12 to 15 ornaments.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 2 1/2 hours or 1 to 2 days drying time
Ingredients: 3/4 cup applesauce
1 bottle (4.12 ounces) McCormick® Cinnamon, Ground
Supplies needed:
Cookie cutters
Drinking straw
Colorful ribbon
1. Preheat oven to 200°F.
2. Mix applesauce and cinnamon in small bowl until a smooth ball of dough is formed. (You may need use your hands to incorporate all of the cinnamon.) Using about 1/4 of the dough at a time, roll dough to 1/4-inch to 1/3-inch thickness between two sheets of plastic wrap. Peel off top sheet of plastic wrap. Cut dough into desired shapes with 2- to 3-inch cookie cutters. Make a hole in top of ornament with drinking straw. Place ornaments on baking sheet.
3. Bake 2 1/2 hours. Cool ornaments on wire rack. (Or, to dry ornaments at room temperature, carefully place them on wire rack. Let stand 1 to 2 days or until thoroughly dry, turning occasionally.)
4. Insert ribbon through holes and tie to hang. Decorate with opaque paint markers, found in arts and crafts stores, if desired.
Tips:Test Kitchen Tip: If a different size bottle of cinnamon is used, measure 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cinnamon.
Victoria and Mikey having fun with the dough.
All cut out and ready to go into the oven to dry. About 90 minutes into the drying I took them out and flipped them over. Then put them back in for another 60 minutes.

Here they are this morning, all dried and ready for ribbon.